General Information

Official Name Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Political RegimePresidential
President of the RepublicH.E. Alassane OUATTARA
Vice President of the RepublicMr. Tiemoko Meyliet KONE
Prime Minister, Head of Government, Minister of Sports and Living EnvironmentMr. Robert BEUGRE MAMBE
Geographical LocationWest Africa
Area and Population322,462 km² / 31,046,969 (2023 estimate)
ClimateTropical humid
ReliefCoastal country with plains and plateaus
Natural Resources and Other Productions

Agriculture: cocoa and cashew (world's largest producer), coffee, rubber, cotton, oil palm...,

Mining: Diamond, Gold, Manganese, Phosphate, Bauxite, Oil, Gas

GDP/Capita at constant 2015 prices (thousands of FCFA)1,279.8 in 2021; 1,322.4 in 2022 (provisional values) and 1,370.9 in 2023 (estimated values), 1,415.2 in 2024 forecast
Political CapitalYamoussoukro
Economic CapitalAbidjan
Autonomous DistrictsAbidjan, Yamoussoukro, Bas Sassandra, Comoé, Denguélé, Goh-Djoboua, Lac, Lagune, Montagne, Sassandra, Savane, Vallée du Bandama, Woroba, and Zanzan.
Official LanguageFrench


Franc CFA (FCFA) (Fixed parity 655.957 XOF = 1 EUR)

National Holiday

August 7


CI in the sub-region