General Information
Official Name | Republic of Côte d'Ivoire |
Political Regime | Presidential |
President of the Republic | H.E. Alassane OUATTARA |
Vice President of the Republic | Mr. Tiemoko Meyliet KONE |
Prime Minister, Head of Government, Minister of Sports and Living Environment | Mr. Robert BEUGRE MAMBE |
Geographical Location | West Africa |
Area and Population | 322,462 km² / 31,046,969 (2023 estimate) |
Climate | Tropical humid |
Relief | Coastal country with plains and plateaus |
Natural Resources and Other Productions | Agriculture: cocoa and cashew (world's largest producer), coffee, rubber, cotton, oil palm..., Mining: Diamond, Gold, Manganese, Phosphate, Bauxite, Oil, Gas |
GDP/Capita at constant 2015 prices (thousands of FCFA) | 1,279.8 in 2021; 1,322.4 in 2022 (provisional values) and 1,370.9 in 2023 (estimated values), 1,415.2 in 2024 forecast |
Political Capital | Yamoussoukro |
Economic Capital | Abidjan |
Autonomous Districts | Abidjan, Yamoussoukro, Bas Sassandra, Comoé, Denguélé, Goh-Djoboua, Lac, Lagune, Montagne, Sassandra, Savane, Vallée du Bandama, Woroba, and Zanzan. |
Official Language | French |
Currency | Franc CFA (FCFA) (Fixed parity 655.957 XOF = 1 EUR) |
National Holiday | August 7 |