Good performance in mobilizing total revenues and donations, particularly tax revenues
Sources : MEPD, MFB
Public finances have benefited from a favorable environment and fiscal and budgetary reforms taken to ensure the proper execution of the PND 2021-2025. Thus, the Government has achieved good performance in revenue collection. Revenues in 2023 are estimated at 7,454.9 billion FCFA, more than double the level recorded in 2015. This performance is the result of significant administrative and fiscal policy reforms implemented. These include the segmentation of taxpayers into large, medium, and small enterprises, the digitization and modernization of the tax administration, the broadening of the tax base, and the rationalization of exemptions.
The tax pressure is projected to be 14.4% of GDP in 2024 and 15.4% in 2025, after 13.6% in 2023 and 12.8% in 2022. These levels remain relatively low compared to the community standard of UEMOA (minimum of 20% of GDP).
Sources : MEPD, MFB
In 2023, total revenues and donations amounted to 7,771.7 billion FCFA. These resources are dominated by tax revenues, which reached 6,508.0 billion FCFA with a tax pressure of 13.6%.
Non-tax revenues stood at 946.9 billion FCFA, linked to the increase in social contributions induced by the social security reform.
Regarding donations, they were mobilized to the tune of 316.8 billion FCFA, thanks to a substantial increase in project donations, which rose from 39.9 billion FCFA in 2022 to 117.1 billion FCFA in 2023.
In 2024, total revenues and donations are expected to be 8,775.9 billion FCFA, an increase of 12.9% compared to 2023.
In 2025, total revenues and donations are projected to be 10,137.5 billion FCFA, or 17.8% of GDP.