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Côte d'Ivoire: Mobilization of budget revenues by the end of April 2024

The tax revenues of the Ivorian state showed a robust dynamic during the first four months of 2024, reaching 2,292.6 billion FCFA (3.49 billion euros). This amount represents an increase of 8.5% (+179.7 billion FCFA) compared to the same period of the previous year, according to official figures. This level of collection corresponds to 37.45% of the projected tax revenues for the year, estimated at 6,121.40 billion FCFA in the 2024 budget. It is worth noting that in the first quarter of 2024, the Ivorian tax authorities mobilized 913.1 billion FCFA against a target of 931.2 billion FCFA.


This performance is partly attributed to an effective collection of non-tax revenues, which grew by 22% to reach 346.8 billion FCFA. As a result, total budget revenues increased by 8.9% (+224.4 billion FCFA) to reach 2,743.8 billion FCFA by the end of April 2024, despite a significant decrease in donations, which fell by 14.5% to 104.4 billion FCFA.


At the same time, budget expenditures saw a notable increase, linked to the rise in personnel expenses (+43.6 billion FCFA), operating expenses (+92.3 billion FCFA), interest on public debt (+106.3 billion FCFA), investment expenditures (+76.1 billion FCFA), and subsidies and transfers (+3.9% to 338.1 billion FCFA).


To cover the budget deficit resulting from these increased expenditures, the Ivorian government resorted to a significant loan of 3,001.3 billion FCFA (approximately 4.57 billion euros) on the financial markets.

Source: Sika finance, Editorial Team MEPD Web Portal