Annual National Accounts (CNA) for 2020


In 2020, the economic activity of Côte d'Ivoire experienced a growth of 1.7% in real terms.

In terms of supply, the slowdown is attributed to the three sectors of the primary economy (+8.9%), secondary (-0.6%), and tertiary (-0.4%), which contributed to the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) respectively by (+1.52) points, (-0.12) points, and (-0.22) points, with (+0.56) points from taxes and duties.

Regarding demand, the increase is mainly supported by fixed capital formation (+14.1%), exports (+10.7%), and final consumption (+4.4%), with contributions to GDP growth of 3.4 points for final consumption.


Document Title Download
Annual National Accounts 2020 Comptes_nationaux_Annuels_2020.pdf
National Accounts 2019 compte_nationaux_2019_compressed.pdf
Annual National Accounts at 2009 Prices Comptes Nationaux Annuel_prix2009.xlsx

Sources: National Institute of Statistics