The Gbêkê Region is located in the Central-North of Côte d'Ivoire and is subdivided into four (04) Departments: Bouaké (Capital), Béoumi, Sakassou, and Botro. It covers an area of 9,136 km2.
The population of the region is as follows:
Gbêkê Region |
699,816 |
653,085 |
1,352,900 |
107 |
238,022 |
5.7 |
Bouaké Department |
484,625 |
447,227 |
931,851 |
108 |
167,480 |
5.6 |
BOUAKÉ (Capital) |
433,752 |
398,619 |
832,371 |
109 |
152,187 |
5.4 |
Source: INS, RGPH 2021 |
- Bouaké, the capital of the region, is a Main Economic Connector (a large city at an advanced stage of urbanization facilitating urban economies through a diversified economic base that fosters innovation) and the 2nd industrial hub of Côte d'Ivoire (Study on the Competitive Economic Pole Development Program - PEC, 2018). It positions itself as the capital of the Ivorian textile industry and an agro-industrial hub, particularly in the processing of cashew nuts and the textile industry through spinning and weaving units;
- One (01) industrial zone exists in the Bouaké department, covering 235 ha, with 12 active companies installed on an area of 32 ha. Additionally, an industrial land reserve of 804 ha has been established;
- Eleven (11) commercial banks and one (01) microfinance institution are established there;
- Mobile network coverage (July 2023): 96.46% of localities and 98.92% of the population are covered;
- Health: The health infrastructure in the region includes all technical platforms.
Health Infrastructure |
Number |
Primary Contact Health Facilities (ESPC) |
216 |
General Hospitals |
03 |
Confessional General Hospitals |
02 |
University Hospitals |
01 |
Private Profit-Making Health Facilities |
139 |
Functional Operating Theaters |
02 |
Functional Gynecological-Obstetric Operating Rooms |
07 |
Functional Public Radiology Services |
02 |
Functional Private Radiology Services |
06 |
Public Dental Clinics |
04 |
Private Dental Clinics |
02 |
Public Pharmacies |
27 |
Private Pharmacies |
48 |
Source: MSHPCMU, 2022 |
- Commerce: Bouaké has the only wholesale market in West Africa, supplied by trucks from neighboring countries. This market, currently under rehabilitation, aims to help ensure food self-sufficiency for the region and improve the marketing circuits for agricultural and food products. Furthermore, the Bouaké City Hall has been planning since 2019 to develop the trading area in downtown Bouaké, along with the construction of the Grand Marché de Bouaké (GMB), which will be the largest covered market in West Africa.
The key sectors of activity include agriculture and agro-industry, animal and fish resources, the wood industry, and tourism.
- Industry:
- Agro-industry: Cotton ginning (Global Coton, Ivorian Company for Textile Development - CIDT), spinning and weaving (FTG), finishing (TEXCI), and confection (SI confection), etc.;
- Wood sector: Sawn timber, plywood;
- Tobacco sector: The Ivorian Tobacco Company (SITAB), which holds 90% of the national market, is located here;
- Agro-food sector: Mainly focused on the processing of cashew nuts (SOBERY, OLAM Ivoire, CASA, ROMAF, Africa Négoce), cotton seed crushing (OLHEOL), and fruit processing (Ackees).
- Agriculture:
Type of Crop |
Crops |
Production (in tons) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Cash Crops |
Rubber |
1,204 |
1,444 |
1,456 |
Oil Palm |
5,689 |
5,127 |
5,808 |
Cotton |
3,015 |
2,910 |
2,157 |
Cashew |
96,199 |
98,887 |
100,987 |
Food Crops |
Plantain Banana |
32,304 |
33,556 |
265,298 |
Yam |
1,510,789 |
1,549,867 |
1,089,371 |
Corn |
10,049 |
10,576 |
27,851 |
Rice |
34,383 |
38,743 |
43,355 |
Yuca |
322,803 |
348,505 |
547,475 |
Taro |
937 |
965 |
ND |
Potato |
1,699 |
1,749 |
ND |
Peanut |
2,409 |
2,507 |
20,520 |
Vegetable Crops |
Eggplant |
2,398 |
2,455 |
6,345 |
Okra |
3,870 |
3,987 |
4,223 |
Tomato |
4,266 |
4,397 |
8,809 |
Source: MEMINADERPV, 2023 |
- Animal Resources:
Type of Livestock |
Species |
Livestock (in number of heads) |
2022 |
Poultry |
Broilers |
315,125 |
Layers |
184,236 |
Traditional Chickens |
557,919 |
Ruminants |
Cattle |
113,890 |
Sheep |
63,573 |
Goats |
100,115 |
Pigs |
Traditional Pig |
4,646 |
Modern Pig |
Source: MIRAH, estimate 2022 |
- Fish Resources: Fishing is mainly practiced in Béoumi and Sakassou;
- Tourism: Royal Court (tomb of the Kings) in Sakassou, Wassou Pottery in Sakassou, Goli Oka (hippopotamus observation site in Bourébo), vast labyrinth caves and prehistoric caves in Agbagnassi (Béoumi), the Benedictine monastery, and the Blacksmiths of N’Djébonoua.
As part of the implementation of the National Development Plan (PND) 2021-2025, the Gbêkê Region is included in the area covered by the Agro-pole "Academic and Transformation Pole" (Agro-pole 4).
Investment opportunities exist in the following sectors:
- Agriculture: Creation of agropastoral farms or financing of agricultural projects; Investments in the development of food crop sectors (Yam, Rice, Cassava), cash crop sectors (Cocoa, Coffee, Cashew).
- Agro-industry: Investment in infrastructure for processing agricultural products (cashew, cotton);
- Buildings and public works: Construction of housing (medium standard, economic, and social);
- National education: Creation of schools (construction and operation).
Some priority projects and actions have been identified for the benefit of the Gbêkê Region, including:
NB | Project or Action Description | Planning Document | Estimated Cost (FCFA) | Observations |
01 | Development of the Integrated Industrial Zone (Z2I) dedicated to textile units in Bouaké: 100 ha industrial land reserve | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
02 | Development of an Industrial Zone dedicated to cashew nuts: 50 ha industrial land reserve | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
03 | Construction of the Bouaké market | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
04 | Construction of a reference psychiatric hospital in Bouaké | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
05 | Construction of the Abidjan-Ouagadougou corridor | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
06 | Duplication of the Abidjan – Ouagadougou – Kaya railway | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
07 | Electrification of remaining localities: 168 localities to be electrified in the Autonomous District of the Bandama Valley, which includes the Gbêkê Region | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
08 | Construction and strengthening of roads: heavy reshaping (568.1 km), light reshaping (2,840 km), and structures (17) | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
09 | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
10 | Implementation of the Competitive Economic Pole (PEC) program in Bouaké (Main Economic Connector) | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
11 | Revitalization and equipping of the Bouaké wholesale market (MGB) with four (04) new infrastructures | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
12 | Construction of a grouping and collection center in the Bouaké wholesale market | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
13 | Construction and equipping of the TPI and commercial court in Bouaké | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
14 | Establishment of a plastic waste collection and processing center based on the Nigerian model | Project catalog for the Gbêkê region - 2024 Edition | Not defined | Project idea |
15 | Creation of a green leisure park on 40 hectares | Project catalog for the Gbêkê region - 2024 Edition | Not defined | Project idea |
16 | Creation of a rice-growing complex in central Côte d'Ivoire on 6000 ha | Project catalog for the Gbêkê region - 2024 Edition | 1,628,560,000 | Funding to be mobilized |
17 | Industrial production of pineapples on 2000 ha | Project catalog for the Gbêkê region - 2024 Edition | 15,000,000,000 | Funding to be mobilized |
18 | Creation of cattle ranches (Cattle, Sheep) with 3000 heads on 1,500 hectares | Project catalog for the Gbêkê region - 2024 Edition | 12,000,000,000 | Funding to be mobilized |
19 | Opening of an international high school in Bouaké | Project catalog for the Gbêkê region - 2024 Edition | Not defined | Project idea |
20 | Creation of an electric motorcycle assembly plant (3M). | Project catalog for the Gbêkê region - 2024 Edition | 3,000,000,000 | Funding to be mobilized |
21 | Construction of social and economic housing | Project catalog for the Gbêkê region - 2024 Edition | Not defined | Project idea |
14 | Construction of a Technical Landfill Center (CET) for waste management and recovery | Strategic Development Plan (PSD) | Not defined | Funding to be mobilized |
15 | Creation of a Dry Port in Bouaké | PSD | Not defined | Funding to be mobilized |
16 | Construction of dams and development of lowlands for food crops | PSD | Not defined | Funding to be mobilized |
17 | Construction of a cotton seed oil mill in Botro | PSD | Not defined | Funding to be mobilized |
18 | Construction of a cassava processing plant in Bodokro | PSD | Not defined | Funding to be mobilized |
19 | Construction of a tomato processing plant in Djébonoua | PSD | Not defined | Funding to be mobilized |
20 | Revitalization of fishing on the Bandama | PSD | Not defined | Funding to be mobilized |