The Guémon Region is located in the West of Côte d'Ivoire and is subdivided into four (04) Departments: Duekoué (Capital), Bangolo, Kouibly, and Facobly. It covers an area of 6,695 km2, which is 2.08% of the national area.
- The population of the region is as follows:
Guémon Region |
78,372 |
66,351 |
144,723 |
118 |
23,287 |
6.2 |
Duekoué Department |
227,251 |
193,660 |
420,911 |
117 |
75,290 |
5.6 |
DUEKOUE (Capital) |
118,759 |
102,193 |
220,953 |
116 |
43,377 |
5.1 |
Source: INS, RGPH 2021
- Duekoué, the capital of the region, is a Local Economic Connector (a small town that is at an embryonic stage of urbanization facilitating internal economies of scale, such as hosting a large company that processes local agricultural products) whose economy is based on agriculture, particularly the coffee-cocoa duo (Study on the Competitive Economic Pole Development Program - PEC, 2018). It has soil known to be very fertile and a subsoil rich in mineral resources such as gold, diamonds, and nickel;
- An industrial zone exists in the Duekoué department with an industrial land reserve of 48 ha (MCIPPME, 2022);
- Mobile network coverage (ARTCI, July 2023): 100% of localities and 100% of the population are covered.
- Health: The health infrastructure in the region covers most of the technical platforms.
Health Infrastructure |
Number |
Primary Contact Health Establishments (ESPC) |
105 |
General Hospitals |
03 |
Private Profit-Making Health Establishments |
06 |
Functional Operating Rooms |
03 |
Functional Gyneco-Obstetric Operating Rooms |
01 |
Functional Public Radiology Services |
02 |
Public Dental Clinics |
02 |
Public Pharmacies |
08 |
Private Pharmacies |
08 |
Source: MSHPCMU, 2022
The key sectors of activity include agriculture and agro-industry, animal resources, the wood industry, and tourism.
- Agriculture:
Type of Crop |
Crops |
Production (in tons) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Cash Crops |
Rubber |
40,567 |
53,555 |
54,014 |
Oil Palm |
1,862 |
1,677 |
1,901 |
Cocoa |
345,453 |
418,470 |
377,872 |
Coffee |
14,592 |
21,378 |
20,274 |
Food Crops |
Plantain Banana |
42,476 |
44,121 |
52,130 |
Yam |
37,914 |
38,895 |
193,811 |
Cassava |
54,051 |
58,355 |
424,109 |
Corn |
8,868 |
9,334 |
43,316 |
Rice |
34,845 |
38,733 |
43,344 |
Taro |
1,523 |
1,568 |
ND |
Potato |
711 |
732 |
ND |
Vegetable Crops |
Eggplant |
2,069 |
2,119 |
502 |
Okra |
3,910 |
4,029 |
1,967 |
Tomato |
65 |
67 |
1,052 |
Source: MEMINADERPV, 2023 ND: Not Available
- Animal Resources:
Type of Livestock |
Species |
Livestock (in number of heads) |
2022 |
Poultry |
Broilers |
75,523 |
Layers |
45,702 |
Traditional Chickens |
ND |
Ruminants |
Cattle |
4,809 |
Sheep |
5,951 |
Goats |
10,505 |
Pigs |
Traditional Pig |
13,154 |
Modern Pig |
Source: MIRAH, estimate 2022 ND: Not Available
- Tourism: The tourist offerings of the region include:
- The mountains and caves of Guitrozon;
- The National Park of Mont Péko.
- Wood Sector: Presence of large sawmills (SBG, NSD, STBO, THANRY).
As part of the implementation of the National Development Plan (PND) 2021-2025, the Guémon Region is included in the area covered by the Agro-pole of the granary of food products and the coffee-terroir enhancement zone of Man (Agro-pole 9).
Investment opportunities exist in the following sectors:
- Agriculture and agro-industry: Investments in the development of lowland areas, the development of food crop sectors (Rice), cash crop sectors (Cocoa, Coffee), and fishery resources (Aquaculture).
- Mining Resources: The region has a rich mining potential with deposits of Cobalt, Nickel, Gold, Iron, Silver, Platinum, Copper, Chrome, and Diamonds.
- Tourism: Investment in the construction of hotel complexes.
Some priority projects and actions have been identified for the benefit of the Guémon Region, namely:
NB | Project or Action Description | Planning Document | Estimated Cost (FCFA) | Observations |
01 | Exploitation of iron mines in the Klahoyo-Tia Mountains in Facobly | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
02 | Construction of the Man-San-Pedro railway | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
03 | Development of an Industrial Zone | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
04 | Electrification of localities in Guémon | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
05 | Construction and strengthening of roads (heavy and light reshaping) and structures. | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
06 | Construction of social and economic housing | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
07 | Implementation of the land development program for the production of housing and serviced plots accessible to all | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
08 | Implementation of the Competitive Economic Pole (PEC) program in Duékoué (Local Economic Connector) | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
Source: MEPD, 2024 / PS-Gouv2