The Worodougou Region is located in the Northwest of Côte d'Ivoire and is subdivided into two (02) Departments: Séguéla (Capital) and Kani. It covers an area of 21,900 km2, which is 6.79% of the national territory.
- The population of the region is as follows:
225,557 |
204,255 |
429,812 |
110 |
82,275 |
5.2 |
SEGUELA Department |
157,028 |
141,356 |
298,384 |
111 |
56,235 |
5.3 |
SEGUELA (Capital) |
53,841 |
50,139 |
103,980 |
107 |
18,775 |
5.5 |
Source: INS, RGPH 2021
- Séguéla, the capital of the region, is a Secondary Economic Connector (a city that has reached an intermediate stage of urbanization facilitating localization economies due to competition among businesses in the same sector) with high agricultural and fishery potential (Study on the Competitive Economic Pole Development Program - PEC, 2018). It benefits from a geographical location that allows it to be a hub for commercial exchanges in the sub-region as it is located at the crossroads of trade routes to Mali in the north and Guinea in the west;
- Financial sector: 03 commercial banks and 02 microfinance institutions are established there;
- An industrial land reserve of 44 hectares has been established for the development of one (01) industrial zone (MCIPPME, 2022);
- Mobile network coverage (ARTCI, July 2023): 88.15% of localities and 90.46% of the population are covered;
- Health: The health infrastructure in the region covers most of the technical platforms.
Health infrastructure |
Number |
Primary Contact Health Facilities (ESPC) |
47 |
General Hospitals |
01 |
Regional Hospital Centers |
01 |
Private Profit-Making Health Facilities |
01 |
Functional Operating Theaters |
01 |
Functional Gynecological-Obstetric Operating Rooms |
01 |
Functional Public Radiology Services |
01 |
Public Dental Clinics |
01 |
Public Pharmacies |
05 |
Private Pharmacies |
04 |
Source: MSHPCMU, 2022
The key sectors of activity include agriculture and agro-industry, animal resources, and tourism.
- Agriculture:
Type of crop |
Crops |
Production (in tons) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Cash crops |
Cocoa |
17,117 |
20,146 |
18,191 |
Cotton |
16,315 |
15,745 |
11,671 |
Cashew |
79,265 |
93,122 |
95,099 |
Food crops |
Plantain banana |
10,119 |
10,511 |
41,327 |
Yam |
108,616 |
111,425 |
322,230 |
Corn |
16,357 |
17,215 |
36,021 |
Rice |
54,385 |
32,386 |
36,241 |
Peanut |
1,794 |
1,867 |
6,931 |
Taro |
1,523 |
1,568 |
ND |
Potato |
5,533 |
5,693 |
ND |
Cassava |
62,091 |
67,035 |
183,828 |
Vegetable crops |
Eggplant |
480 |
492 |
1,138 |
Okra |
1,639 |
1,689 |
668 |
Tomato |
139 |
144 |
466 |
Source: MEMINADERPV, 2023
ND: Not Available
- Animal resources:
Type of livestock |
Species |
Livestock (in number of heads) |
2022 |
Poultry |
Broilers |
29,327 |
Layers |
18,793 |
Traditional chickens |
58,993 |
Ruminants |
Cattle |
110,834 |
Sheep |
16,443 |
Goats |
9,965 |
Pigs |
Traditional pig |
1,720 |
Modern pig |
Source: MIRAH, estimate 2022
As part of the implementation of the National Development Plan (PND) 2021-2025, the Worodougou Region is included in the area covered by the Agro-pole "Pole for the Transformation of Food Crops" (Agro-pole 8).
Investment opportunities exist in the following sectors:
- Agriculture: Creation of agropastoral farms;
- Mining Resources: The region has gold mining potential that benefits from exploitation permits, particularly in the Kani department.
- Tourism: Development of tourist sites and organization of festivals.
Some priority projects and actions have been selected in the PND 2021-2025 for the Worodougou Region, including:
NB | Project or Action Description | Planning Document | Estimated Cost (FCFA) | Observations |
01 | Creation of cashew processing units |
PND 2021 -2025
PND 2021 -2025
| Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
02 | Diamond mining exploitation | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
03 | Implementation of the Séguéla Competitive Pole program (Secondary Economic Connector) | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
04 | Electrification of remaining localities: 178 localities to be electrified in the Autonomous District of Woroba, which includes the Worodougou Region | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
05 | Construction and upgrading of roads: heavy reshaping (300.6 km), light reshaping (2,562.6 km) and structures (14) | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
06 | Construction of social and economic housing | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
07 | Implementation of land development programs for the production of housing and serviced land accessible to all | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
08 | Development of an Industrial Zone including an industrial park dedicated to cashew processing (15 ha) | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
09 | Construction of a training center for the recognition and processing of precious and ornamental stones | Strategic Development Plan | Not defined | Project idea |
10 | Support project for the creation of breeding nuclei | Not defined | Project idea |
Source: MEPD, 2024 / PS-Gouv2