The Nawa Region is located in the South-West of Côte d'Ivoire and is subdivided into four (04) Departments: Soubré (Capital), Buyo, Gueyo, and Méagui. It covers an area of 9,193 km², which is 2.85% of the national territory.
- The population of the region is as follows:
Nawa Region |
620,869 |
544,603 |
1,165,472 |
114 |
209,612 |
5.6 |
SOUBRE Department |
312,390 |
275,050 |
587,441 |
114 |
108,633 |
5.4 |
SOUBRE (Capital) |
146,075 |
126,698 |
272,773 |
115 |
56,747 |
4.8 |
Source: INS, RGPH 2021
- Soubré, the capital of the region, is a Local Economic Connector (a small town that is at an embryonic stage of urbanization facilitating internal economies of scale, such as hosting a large company that processes local agricultural products) with an agricultural focus, whose main products are cocoa (currently the cocoa loop: the first cocoa production area), rubber, and oil palm (Study on the Competitive Economic Pole Development Program - PEC, 2018). It is influenced by the Autonomous Port of San Pédro.
- An industrial zone exists in the Soubré department with an industrial land reserve of 49 hectares (MCIPPME, 2022).
- Mobile network coverage (July 2023): 100% of localities and 100% of the population are covered.
- Health: The health infrastructure in the region covers most of the technical platforms.
Health infrastructure |
Number |
Primary Contact Health Establishments (ESPC) |
159 |
General Hospitals |
04 |
Private Profit-Making Health Establishments |
37 |
Functional Operating Rooms |
07 |
Functional Gynecological-Obstetric Operating Rooms |
04 |
Functional Public Radiology Services |
01 |
Functional Private Radiology Services |
02 |
Public Dental Offices |
03 |
Public Pharmacies |
42 |
Private Pharmacies |
21 |
Source: MSHPCMU, 2022
The key sectors include agriculture and agro-industry, animal resources, and tourism.
- Agriculture :
Type of crop |
Crops |
Production (in tons) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Cash crops |
Rubber |
56,195 |
74,186 |
74,822 |
Oil Palm |
39,909 |
35,942 |
40,743 |
Cocoa |
186,039 |
192,424 |
173,756 |
Coffee |
1,341 |
1,786 |
Food crops |
Plantain Banana |
16,882 |
17,537 |
43,953 |
Yam |
34,599 |
37,354 |
185,656 |
Maize |
8,366 |
8,804 |
49,713 |
Rice |
16,548 |
54,404 |
60,880 |
Taro |
351 |
362 |
ND |
Peanut |
2,173 |
2,262 |
1,439 |
Sweet Potato |
237 |
244 |
ND |
Vegetable crops |
Eggplant |
1,371 |
1,404 |
2,418 |
Okra |
1,095 |
1,128 |
4,787 |
Source: MEMINADERPV, 2023 ND: Not Available
- Animal resources (only Soubré):
Type of livestock |
Species |
Livestock (in number of heads) |
2022 |
Poultry |
Broilers |
5,235 |
Layers |
105,930 |
Ruminants |
Cattle |
3,434 |
Sheep |
7,613 |
Goats |
8,987 |
Pigs |
Traditional Pig |
6,337 |
Modern Pig |
Source: MIRAH, estimate 2022
- Tourism: The tourist offerings of the region include:
- The Nawa Falls on the Sassandra River;
- The monkeys of the sacred forest of Gribouho;
- The artificial lake of Buyo;
- The Trokoi Mountains of Okrouyo;
- The Taï National Park with its biodiversity (classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site).
As part of the implementation of the National Development Plan 2021-2025 (PND 2021-2025), the Nawa Region is included in the area covered by the Agro-pole for the processing of cash crops supplying the port of San Pedro (Agro-pole 7).
Investment opportunities exist in the following sectors:
- Agriculture and Agro-industry: Investments in the development of food crop sectors (Rice, Plantain Banana, Cassava), cash crop sectors (Cocoa, Rubber, Oil Palm, Coffee), the fisheries sector, and the processing of these agricultural products.
- Aviation: Construction of a Modern Aerodrome (Soubré).
- Buildings and Public Works: Construction of housing.
- National Education: Creation of schools, colleges, and high schools (private and public).
Some priority projects and actions have been identified for the benefit of the Nawa Region, including:
NB | Project or Action Description | Planning Document | Estimated Cost (FCFA) | Observations |
01 | Development project for the Gribo Popoli dam (112 MW) | PND 2021 -2025 | Contract awarded | In progress: estimated completion rate of 49 % (end of June 2022) |
02 | Construction of a wholesale market and collection and grouping centers distributed around this wholesale market | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
03 | Electrification of remaining localities: 196 localities to be electrified in the Bas-Bassandra District, which includes the Nawa Region | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
04 | Construction and upgrading of roads: heavy reshaping (545.85 km), light reshaping (1774.35 km), and structures (14) | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
05 | Construction of social and economic housing | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
06 | Implementation of the land development program for the production of housing and serviced land accessible to all | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
07 | Implementation of the Competitive Economic Pole (PEC) program of Soubré (Local Economic Connector) | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
08 | Development of an Industrial Zone | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
10 | Creation of cocoa bean grinding units of 20,000 tons each: 02 in Soubré-Méagui and 02 others in Guéyo | Nawa Investment Project Bank - 2021 edition | 1,500,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize |
11 | Creation of 03 units for the production of organic fertilizers from cocoa waste in Soubré, Guéyo, and Oupoyo | 600,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize | |
12 | Creation of 03 rice milling units in Mayyo, Oupagui, and Yabayo: 100 - 150 million FCFA/unit | 450,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize | |
13 | Creation of 04 cassava processing units (Cassava dough / chips) in Gueyo, Grand Zattry, Yabayo, and Méagui | 600,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize | |
14 | Creation of 02 production and packaging units for fish products in Buyo and Soubré (Dam area) | 300,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize | |
15 | Creation of 04 poultry feed production units in Bagolieoua (Grand Zattry), Gyéyo, Okrouyo, and Oupoyo | 200,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize | |
16 | Construction of a modern slaughterhouse with a distribution circuit in Nawa and surrounding regions in Yabayo | 300,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize | |
17 | Creation of 03 gastronomic spaces in Soubré, Méagui, and Buyo (Lake - Dam) | 150,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize | |
18 | Creation of 02 leisure centers on the banks of Sassandra in Buyo and Soubré | 1,000,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize | |
19 | Creation of a Glamping (Glamour + camping) site on the banks of the Nawa waterfalls in Petit Mayo - Kpehili | 500,000,000 | Business opportunity to seize |
Source: MEPD, 2024 / PS-Gouv2