The Gôh Region is located in the Central-West of Côte d'Ivoire and is subdivided into two (02) Departments: Gagnoa (Capital) and Oumé. It covers an area of 7,327 km2, which is 2.27% of the national territory.
- The population of the region is as follows:
Gôh Region |
515,602 |
469,680 |
985,282 |
110 |
184,549 |
5.3 |
GAGNOA Department |
379,768 |
344,727 |
724,496 |
110 |
135,093 |
5.4 |
GAGNOA (Capital) |
143,167 |
133,877 |
277,044 |
107 |
56,063 |
4.9 |
Source: INS, RGPH 2021
- Gagnoa, the capital of the region, is a Local Economic Connector (a small town that is at an embryonic stage of urbanization facilitating internal economies of scale, such as hosting a large company that processes local agricultural products) with an agricultural vocation, dominated by coffee and cocoa cultivation. Gagnoa is one of the granaries of Côte d'Ivoire due to the abundance and variety of its food crops (Study on the Competitive Economic Pole Development Program - PEC, 2018);
- An industrial zone exists there, housing industrial units with an industrial land reserve of 272 hectares (MCIPPME, 2022);
- Financial sector: 11 commercial banks and 02 microfinance institutions are established there.
- Mobile network coverage (July 2023): 100% of localities and 100% of the population are covered.
- Health: The health infrastructure in the region covers most of the technical platforms.
Health infrastructures |
Number |
Primary Contact Health Establishments (ESPC) |
137 |
General Hospitals |
02 |
Regional Hospital Centers |
01 |
Private Profit-Making Health Establishments |
21 |
Functional operating rooms |
04 |
Functional gynecological-obstetric operating rooms |
03 |
Functional public radiology services |
04 |
Functional private radiology services |
01 |
Public dental offices |
03 |
Private dental offices |
01 |
Public pharmacies |
10 |
Private pharmacies |
24 |
Source: MSHPCMU, 2022
The key sectors of activity include agriculture and agro-industry, animal resources, mining resources, wood industry, and tourism.
- Agriculture:
Type of crop |
Crops |
Production (in tons) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Cash crops |
Rubber |
45,759 |
54,898 |
55,369 |
Oil palm |
3,308 |
2,979 |
3,377 |
Cocoa |
148,858 |
155,938 |
140,810 |
Coffee |
1,247 |
1,936 |
1,836 |
Food crops |
Plantain banana |
268,116 |
278,507 |
52,101 |
Yam |
149,932 |
153,810 |
203,644 |
Corn |
30,019 |
31,594 |
39,437 |
Rice |
78,576 |
10,029 |
167,888 |
Cassava |
93,197 |
100,618 |
162,748 |
Taro |
703 |
724 |
ND |
Potato |
1,028 |
1,057 |
ND |
Peanut |
1,768 |
1,840 |
2,668 |
Vegetable crops |
Eggplant |
4,151 |
4,250 |
3,181 |
Okra |
3,305 |
3,406 |
3,519 |
Tomato |
1,631 |
1,681 |
1,117 |
Source: MEMINADERPV, 2023 ND: Not Available
- Animal resources:
Type of livestock |
Species |
Livestock (in number of heads) |
2022 |
Poultry |
Broilers |
45,773 |
Layers |
143,435 |
Traditional chickens |
988 |
Ruminants |
Cattle |
9,233 |
Sheep |
9,048 |
Goats |
10,682 |
Pigs |
Traditional pig |
8,117 |
Modern pig |
Source: MIRAH, estimate 2022
- Agro-industry: Coffee and rice hulling (Gagnoa) and first processing unit for cocoa (Oumé);
- Wood sector: about a dozen sawmills with around fifty licensed logging operators. The exploited species include, among others, Iroko and Samba;
- Mining resources: Reserves and exploitation of gold, bauxite, and manganese deposits.
As part of the implementation of the National Development Plan (PND) 2021-2025, the Gôh Region is included in the area covered by the Agro-pole "Academic Research and Transformation Pole" (Agro-pole 6).
Investment opportunities exist in the following sectors:
- Agriculture and Agro-industry: Investments in the development of food crop sectors (Rice, Yam, Cassava), cash crop sectors (Cocoa, Cashew), and the processing of these agricultural products.
- Mining Resources: Exploration and exploitation of mining resources (gold, bauxite, and manganese);
- Wood Sector: Investments in this sector with the creation or takeover of wood processing factories.
Some priority projects and actions have been identified for the benefit of the Gôh Region, namely:
NB | Project or Action Description | Planning Document | Estimated Cost (FCFA) | Observations |
01 | Development of an Industrial Zone | PND 2021 -2025 | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
02 | Implementation of the Gagnoa Competitive Pole Program (Local Economic Connector) | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
03 | Electrification of localities in Gôh | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
04 | Construction and strengthening of roads (heavy and light reprofiling) and structures. | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
05 | Construction of social and economic housing | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize | |
06 | Implementation of land development programs for the production of housing and serviced plots accessible to all | Not specified | Business opportunity to seize |
Source: MEPD, 2024 / PS-Gouv2