Official name: Italian
Republic Nature of regime: Parliamentary
Head of State: Mr. Sergio Mattarella (elected January 31, 2015)
Area: 310,226 km2
Currency: euro
Population (2021): 59.5 M inhabitants
Capital: Rome (2,837,332 inhabitants)
Main cities: Milan (1,396,059 inhabitants), Naples (962,589 inhabitants), Turin (870,952 inhabitants), Palermo (657,960 inhabitants), Genoa (574,090 inhabitants)
Official language: Italian
Economic and financial cooperation
- In February 2019, an economic day in Italy brought together 108 Italian companies and many investors for presentations on the business environment and investment opportunities in Cote d’Ivoire.
- The Republic of Italy and the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire signed a Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of tax evasion on July 30, 1982, which entered into force on May 15, 1987.
- A bilateral agreement was signed in 2004 to cancel the debt of approximately €45 million, following which the Government undertook to submit a program for the use of such resources to finance development and poverty reduction initiatives.
- In addition, it is appropriate to point out that Italian cooperation is also present as a Member State of the European Union (EU), with a contribution of 13% from the European Development Fund (EDF). The EDF for Cote d’Ivoire comprises three sectors of concentration, for a total amount of EUR 272.8 million;
- The Republic of Italy and the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire signed a Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and the prevention of tax evasion on July 30, 1982, which entered into force on May 15, 1987.
Technical cooperation
- In October 2019, signature in Italy of a memorandum with an Italian company specializing in the maintenance of hospital equipment and equipment, for the creation of a center of excellence in Cote d’Ivoire, coupled with the training of bio-technicians;
- The Félix Houphouët BOIGNY University signed a cultural and scientific collaboration agreement with the Spienza University of Rome on October 15, 2014.
- In addition to governmental cooperation, mention should be made of the decentralized cooperation of regions, provinces, municipalities and universities - especially in the health sector - NGOs (Gruppo Abele, terre des hommes Italia, Agenzia, di
- Pavia), Associations, onlus (Granello di Senape, Progetto Afrique, mission futuro, Soleterre) and Religious Missions.
- In the years 1985-2005, Cote d’Ivoire received grants of about 11.2 million Euros, mainly for programs carried out by Italian NGOs in the health sector and for emergency aid financed through multilateral and bilateral channels.
A. The main products exported are: paper, cardboard, rubber, green coffee, cocoa beans, fresh pineapple, bananas and cotton en masse.
B. The main imported products are: meat and edible offal, plastics, automobiles, rubber, chemicals, iron, cast iron and metal products, mechanical and electrical machinery.
Trade flows Cote d’Ivoire-Italy (Value in million of CFAF) |
Years |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Exports |
100 800 |
108 200 |
107 500 |
121 100 |
142 000 |
Imports |
137 900 |
133 500 |
161 900 |
169 700 |
215 200 |
Trade balance |
-37 100 |
-25 300 |
-54 400 |
-48 600 |
-73 200 |
Global bilateral exchanges |
238 700 |
241 700 |
269 400 |
290 800 |
357 200 |
Sources : DGE-DPPSE
Sources : DGE-DPCEI
- The value of bilateral trade reached 357,200 million of CFAF in 2022 against 290,800 million of CFAF in 2021;
- Over the period 2018-2022, the average value of Ivorian exports is estimated at 115,900 million of CFAF /year against 163,600 million of CFAF /year for imports;
- Over the period 2018-2022, the trade balance is in deficit for Cote d’Ivoire.