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Continent : Europe

Official name: Kingdom of Spain

Nature of the regime: Parliamentary monarchy

Head of State: Felipe VI,King of Spain

Area: 504,782 km²

Currency: euro

Population: 47.4 million inhabitants

Capital: Madrid (3.3 million inhabitants) Main cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao Official language: Spanish


I. Economically and financially

  • a bilateral agreement to convert Ivorian debt into a development project for a total amount of 67.3 billion of CFA francs (€102.5 million), signed on October 6, 2017 in Abidjan. This program includes 34.22 billion allocated to development projects and 33 billion subject to "dry" cancellation;
  • In 2015, Cote d’Ivoire was selected as the objective country of the Spanish fund FIEM (Fund for the Internationalization of Spanish Enterprise), which is endowed with 500 million euros and covers 40 countries. The FIEM will make it possible to finance, on non-concessional but favorable terms, projects or the acquisition of equipment with a high level of technology in areas considered to be priorities for the Government of Cote d’Ivoire. Several projects are currently being studied by Spanish companies and the various Ivorian sectoral ministries;
  • Reopening in 2014 of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain, with the aim of supporting the strengthening of economic and commercial relations between the two (02) countries. Since its opening, this office has supported more than 70 companies in Cote d’Ivoire;
  • Cancellation in 2013 by the Spanish Government of €172.75 million and US$4.63 million of Ivorian debt following the achievement of the completion point for Cote d’Ivoire in 2012 under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative.
  • Indeed, firm commitment of Spain to the fight against poverty and the promotion of development has led it to broaden cancellations and make an additional effort consisting of post-deadline debt forgiveness amounting to €95.66 million and US$7.37 million through C2D;
  • PARIBAS Buyer's Credit Agreement, Abidjan (November 03,1997);
  • Credit Agreement between the Instituto de Crédito Official of the Kingdom of Spain and Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan (November 03,1997).


II. At the technical level

    • On the sidelines of the 39th edition of the Madrid International Tourism Fair (FITUR) and the 10th edition of the Tourism Forum on Investment and Business Opportunities in Africa (INVESTOUR), the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure of Cote d’Ivoire, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Spain, January 24, 2019. This agreement will deepen cooperation in the field of tourism by promoting the sharing of experiences, investments, technical assistance and tourism promotion in the respective countries;
  • Cooperation Agreement in the fight against crime in Abidjan (July 17, 2012);
  • Memorandum of Understanding on Air Transport, Madrid (April 18, 2008);
  • Cooperation Agreement between the Autonomous Port of Abidjan and the Port Authority of Las Palmas, Las Palmas (June 12, 2004);
  • Construction of a vocational high school in 2002 in Grand Lahlou;
  • Maritime Agreement, Abidjan (September 10, 1979);
  • Air Agreement, Abidjan (February 27, 1975);
  • Financial assistance to cultural enterprises. To this end, the NGO “Culture et Développement Cote d’Ivoire” and the Town Hall of Treichville benefited from the support of the Spanish Development Agency, in 2008, to organize a seminar on the theme : "support to cultural enterprises in Africa, needs, modalities and tools".
  • Construction of a training center in sustainable agriculture (agriculture concerned with the preservation of the environment) and sport in Yahou, in the department of Bonoua, financed by the NGO “Deporte Cultura Y Desarollo” (sport, culture and development), in collaboration with the Ivorian State and the NGO “Remar Cote d’Ivoire”;
  • Granting of numerous scholarships to Ivorian students and teachers


A. The main products exported are: cocoa beans, green coffee, rubber, cottonseed, crude oil, palm oil, mechanical and electrical appliances.

B. The main imported products are: meat, canned fish, fish, flour, vegetable or animal fats and oils, various food preparations, beverages, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, plastics. Mainly : meat, canned fish, fish, flour, vegetable or animal fats and oils, various food preparations, beverages, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, plastics. 


Trade flows Cote d’Ivoire-Spain (Value in millions of CFAF)








158 000

357 900

201 900

187 400

197 300


183 400

130 200

152 700

183 900

178 800

Trade balance

-25 400

227 700

49 200

3 500

18 500

Global bilateral exchanges

341 400

488 100

354 600

371 300

376 100

Sources : DGE-DPPSE


image 217

Sources : DGE-DPCEI

  • The value of bilateral trade reached 376,100 million of CFAF in 2022 against 371,300 million of CFAF in 2021;
  • Over the period 2018-2022, the average value of Ivorian exports is estimated at 220,500 million of CFAF /year against 165,800 million of CFAF /year for imports;
  • Over the period 2018-2022, the trade balance is in surplus for Cote d’Ivoire except for the year 2018.